The Barefoot Cheyenne saddle. 4 kg’s and in different sizes.
Monami just love it.
Elisabeth's bright side
I think that we all have a bright side and a dark side. By focusing on the bright side, life can be more positive and it is also contagious. Photos illustrates our feelings and moods in a glimpse. That's why I use more pictures and less words and it's a part of me when I paint. Some paintings can bee seen at
I think maybe I should clear up a few things, just for the record. Yes I’m Norwegian. Actually I’ve been living in Norway my whole life minus a couple of years just now. Just now I’m happily retired in France. I live together with my daugther and family. I‘ve known for years that I’m Francophile. Just maybe I’ve lived here a couple of lifetimes, before if we believe in reincarnation. Anyway it feels like home, I have this strange feeling of peace and content, more in contact with nature, and there is really no hurry like before in the computer business. I live in the middle of the ancient Cathar country. If we think about wine, it’s in the Malepère country. | Kanskje bør jeg oppklare litt. Jeg er Norsk og jeg er vokst opp og har bodd i Norge hele livet minus de par siste årene. Akkurat nå bor jeg i Frankrike, lykkelig pensjonert og bor hos datteren min og familien. Jeg er Frankofil fra lenge siden. Kanskje jeg har bodd her for et par liv siden, hvis vi tror på reinkarnasjon. Uansett føler jeg meg hjemme her. Å bo her midt i Catharenes land gir fred i sjelen og mer kontakt med naturen. Det er ikke så mye som haster lenger som før. Tenker vi vin og Frankrike, heter vinlandet jeg bor i Malepère. |